Info Line226 158 158National landline call
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Titles occasional STCP (T1, T2 and T3) also loaded on the cards, may be exhausted by the end of 2013.
STCP wishes everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a GOOD 2013! STCP wishes everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a GOOD 2013!
STCP wishes everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a GOOD 2013!
New stop in Lóios/ Clérigos New stop in Lóios/ Clérigos
Improvement of mobility in the zone of the Aliados/ Lóios
New sites STCP and Itinerarium debut on December 14 New sites STCP and Itinerarium debut on December 14
Closer * Simpler to navigate * Greater interactivity
Timetable of school holidays come into force next December 17 Timetable of school holidays come into force next December 17
Timetable of school holidays come into force next December 17
New Map of Greater Porto Transportation now available New Map of Greater Porto Transportation now available
In order to promote their network with tourists and customers in general, STCP provided in their points of sale from August 20, a new Transportation Map of Greater Porto.
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