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New sites STCP and Itinerarium debut on December 14


New sites STCP and Itinerarium debut on December 14 The STCP has just launched their new websites and, with many new features and improvements to the level of navigation and search functions available.
Designed thinking of the urban mobility and intermodality, for today's customer, the route search more integrated into the STCP website but keeps the intermodal philosophy. Route suggestions include the STCP, Underground and trains services, as wel as travel costs with Andante tariff .
To highlight the environmental values and quality of life associated with the use of public transport, the savings in CO2 emissions are also presented, vis a vis the use of a private vehicle. Energy consumption in walking routes translates a healthy option.
The main novelty is the release of the bus stop schedules - both planned (already posted on all stops), and real time -, a tariff Simulator and specific content areas for journalists, businesses and cultural agents. Creating a page of events fueled by cultural agents is intended to promote the experience of the multiple cultural events currently available in the region and city of Porto, accessible by public transport.
Presented in full holiday season, these new sites are a gift from STCP to its customers and to all those who wish to benefit of a new mobility in Porto.
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Novo site
mario |  21 Dec 2012 - 18:50
Boa tarde a STCP está de parabéns com o desenvolvimento deste novo site que é mais funcional, atrativo, e de fácil busca. Feliz Natal.
5 estrelas!!
blueandwhite12 |  18 Dec 2012 - 20:00
Parabéns à stcp pelo novo site,mais funcional,mais bonito,e com mais secções.Valeu a pena esperar.É um mais valia para todos nós,utentes,e também para a própria stcp,que vê a sua imagem ainda mais valorizada.Meus parabéns,portanto!

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