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WEARING A FACE MASK BEFORE BOARDING AND DURING THE WHOLE JOURNEY IS MANDATORY2021.01.29![]() STCP requests that passengers proceed in accordance with the legislation in force regarding the State of Emergency, as well as following the recommendations of the DGS: • keep the mask on throughout the trip, covering nose and mouth, never removing it to speak; • if there are empty seats, do not sit next to another passenger; • at stops, make a line ensuring a safety perimeter of one meter, with a mask; • after leaving and on public roads, keep the mask on until you are two meters away from other people. And still, • respect the space of the drivers: they are part of the group of essential professionals for the continuation of "our normal life"; • respect other passengers: do not occupy a place that is needed by those who go to work; • carry out only those trips that are extremely necessary. Social distance is mandatory. o General duty of home collection: all citizens must avoid traveling outside the home, in addition to those that are essential. o Special duty of protection: people over 70, immunocompromised citizens and people with chronic illness (hypertensive, diabetic, cardiovascular patients, patients with chronic respiratory disease and cancer patients) must stay at home and may be absent in some specific situations and make short trips. STCP warns its passengers that it is, by law, obliged to report to the security forces and services any and all situations in which there is a failure to comply with the measures of the State of Emergency, so it appeals, once again, to common sense. of its passengers and invites them to be active public health agents and to act in a careful and responsible manner, protecting themselves and others. |
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