At the bus stop passengers should queue up facing the oncoming bus (as the bus approaches) in the same direction of the traffic. Position yourself in the queue in order of arrival.
Always signal the driver that you want to board the bus, by extending your arm and your index finger, so that the bus will only stop when it is necessary. This leads to faster and more comfortable journeys for everyone.

| 1. Thus, you will validate faster and avoid delays.
2. Should you need to buy your ticket on board, you are requested to have the exact fare amount to pay cash. If you pay with a large sum of money, the driver may be short of change. In this case, you will be given a note of change for the overpayment, which can be discounted at one of the Andante Shops.
| 1. Only a passenger holding a valid travel ticket is allowed to ride across STCP entire network, except children aged up to 3 inclusive may travel free of charge on the clear understanding that they do not occupy any seat.
| 2. Validate your ticket as you board the bus, at the start of a journey. Touch your card on the validator card reader without moving it until validation has been successfuly completed. Do not move it. Do not validate it inside your wallet in case you have more than one contactless card.
| 3. Check validation. The card reader will show a green light and a short beep sounds. If the light turns red and a long beep sounds it means that the ticket is not valid.
| 4. Should you not hold a contactless card you can purchase a ticket on board. In this instance, you are advised to have the exact fare amount, at hand. It is more convenient and practical.
| 5. Each passenger should hold his or her own ticket (contactless card or single ticket).
| 6. Passengers are compelled to keep their travel ticket during the whole journey for eventual checking purposes.
1. After validation proceed to the rear door in order to enable easy boarding of more passengers.
2. Passengers are not allowed to stand in the boarding area close to the driver’s cabin marked on the bus floor with a red strip painting.
You should press the STOP bell and proceed in advance to the exit door located in the middle platform of the bus.

| 1. Wheelchair users can travel on buses clearly identified by the internationally recognised accessibility symbol seeing that only these buses have dedicated wheelchair space including safety belt for extra protection.
| 2. For obvious safety reasons, there is space on board each bus for only one unfolded wheelchair to be safely positioned in the designated area, or one unfolded pram or stroller. Whenever the child is safely seated on the carer’s lap, respective pram must be folded and placed or stored in the luggage rack.
| 3. Wheelchair and pram users must board and alight using the rear door. Let the driver know you want to get on or get off.
| 4. On boarding, press the blue button close to the rear door so that the front part of the access powered ramp may be lowered. On alighting, press the blue button close to the dedicated wheelchair space so that the front part of the access powered ramp may be lowered to pavement level as the doors open.
| 5. In case of a broken or damaged ramp, you are asked to wait for the next bus. We take best procedures aiming at avoiding situations like this, however, a ramp damage may occur after the bus having started operating.
| 6. There are signalled dedicated priority seats for the disabled and elderly riders as well as for expectant mothers and for parents or carers travelling with lap children, corresponding to the front priority bench seats.
| 7. Any passenger can sit in a priority seat whenever the bus has vacant priority seats available. They are however, forced to give them up when there are other passengers more entitled to the priority seating.

| 1. Do not put your feet up on the seats. Keep the seats clean.
| 2. Hold firmly onto the handrails while standing inside the bus.
| 3. Do not eat or drink inside the bus.
| 4. Transit area and gangways must remain unobstructed allowing easy passenger flow. Accomodate or store your personal luggage in the appropriate allocated luggage racks /area.
| 5. Passengers are not allowed to stand in the boarding area close to the driver’s cabin marked by a red strip drawn on the bus floor.
| 6. All buses are equipped with video surveillance and image recording.
| 7. Smoking is strictly forbidden.
1. Due to space limitations, bicycles ans scooters (Personal Light Vehicles) can not be carried open inside our buses or trams. Closed bicycles of reduced dimensions (maximum 55x 40x 20 cm) and closed scooters can travel, as long as they are properly packed, transported as hand luggage, present no danger and do not occupy a place. They cannot be lodged in the corridor or platform.. | 2. Surfboards may be carried on the open platform close to the rear door without annoying or disturbing the remaining passengers provided that respective large-sized upright positioned central shaft may pass the boarding door, the passenger keeping it upright during the entire journey.
| 3. Fish may be transported only if duly stored in airtight cartons or buckets, preventing leaking water situations and unpleasant smell as well. Under these circumstances, it should be safely accomodated in the luggage compartment so as to avoid accidents or any other embarrassments.
| 4. Eventual injuries or losses resulting from the carriage of luggage either done to vehicles or suffered by any passenger, will be respective bearer’s responsibility, the passenger being liable for compensation payment.
| 1. If air-conditioning system is turned on, windows must be kept closed. It is the only way to bring temperature to an agreeable level. In case windows are left opened, air conditioning is moved from inside to outside, and it will not not have much effect on temperature inside thus, representing wasted energy.
| 2. Do not listen to loud music or speak loudly on the mobile phone as it disturbs other passengers.
1. Passengers with impairments or disabilities are entitled to travel with guide or assistance dogs, according to the legislation in force.
| 2. Except for reasons related to danger or safety, health or hygiene, pets or domestic animals are allowed to be carried on buses, on the clear understanding that they must be kept in a suitable container held by the passenger, according to the legislation in force.
| 3. This container must be safely carried and cannot be placed on a seat so that the other passengers may not be disturbed or upset.
| 4. Animals are transported free of charge.
| 5. Seeing that STCP buses are very often too crowded with a large number of standing passengers, restrictions regarding containers in which animals are kept or carried, may be imposed whenever they are not properly stored, particularly in the case of small sized buses, and when the safety of both passengers and animals is endangered.
1. Bus passengers are compelled to show their travel ticket on request by ticket inspectors and take it out of the wallet. Ticket inspection procedure may require ticket insertion in the inspection machine.
| 2. Passengers not holding a validated ticket or a ticket purchased on board, are liable to a fare penalty payment whose minimum amount rose to a value 100 times higher than the fare price.
| 3. Fare penalty may be paid at once to the ticket inspector on the spot or within 5 working days from the date of the Penalty Charge Notice with a 20% reduction. Voluntary payment of the fine can only be made if the outstanding fare value is settled at the same time.
| 4. Voluntary payment of the fine can only be made if the outstanding fare value is settled at the same time.